Elmira, NY

(607) 734-4582

Horseheads, NY

(607) 739-8318

Waverly, NY

(607) 565-8128

  • The Benefits of Regular Podiatry Check-Ups
    You know that it’s important to visit your doctor regularly, but you may not realize that the same goes for visiting your podiatrist. Regular podiatry check-ups are essential for maintaining Read more

Contact Us

Our Location

Hours of Operation

Elmira Office

Monday - Friday:

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:


Horseheads Office

Monday, Friday:

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesday - Thursday:

8:30 am | 5:00 pm + evening hours

Saturday, Sunday:


Waverly Office

Monday - Friday:

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:
