Elmira, NY

(607) 734-4582

Horseheads, NY

(607) 739-8318

Waverly, NY

(607) 565-8128


Achilles Tendonitis: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Tired of living with ankle pain? Let the team at Thurber & Thurber Podiatric Medicine & Foot Surgery of Horseheads, Waverly, and Elmira, NY help you find the best course of action for optimal relief.

Guide To Achilles Tendonitis

Of the many causes of ankle pain, Achilles tendonitis is one of the most common – especially for those who participate in sports or workout often. In this quick guide, the team at Thurber & Thurber Podiatric Medicine & Foot Surgery of Horseheads, Waverly, and Elmira, NY explain what Achilles tendonitis is, as well as how to prevent and treat it.

What Causes Achilles Tendonitis?

The body consists of various tendons, one of which connects your heel and calf muscles. It’s called the Achilles tendon and is responsible for helping move our legs and feet as we walk and run.

For most people who lead moderately active lives, this tendon never causes any issues. However, some people find themselves in pain due to overuse and inflammation of the tendon, including:

  • Runners who run on uneven or hilly terrain
  • Runners who suddenly increase their workouts
  • Those who play sports involving running
  • Those who work on their feet for long hours in non-supportive shoes
  • People with flat feet
  • Those who are overweight or obese

Can It Be Prevented?

As Achilles tendonitis is caused by overuse, it can be prevented with some general care tips.

  • Stretch your tendons and calf muscles when you wake up, as well as before and after exercise.
  • Wear shoes that support your feet properly and consider custom orthotics.
  • Build up your calf muscles, as this can ease some of the strain.
  • Begin or increase any workouts gradually – not all at once.
  • Rest your legs in between workouts.
  • Switch up your workouts to include both high-impact and low-impact activities.
  • Drop any excess weight.

How Is It Treated?

Most mild cases of Achilles tendonitis can be treated with the RICE method, giving your legs several days to repair. Your podiatrist can recommend therapeutic exercises and orthotic devices to help, as well. Keep in mind that it can take several weeks or months to heal properly, depending on the severity.

In some severe cases, the tendon tears. At this time, surgery is often recommended to repair the tendon and bring relief.

Don’t let ankle pain keep you from your favorite activities. Visit our team at Thurber & Thurber Podiatric Medicine & Foot Surgery in Horseheads, Waverly, and Elmira, NY for relief. You can schedule an appointment at our Horseheads office at (607) 739-8318, our Waverly office at (607) 565-8128, or our Elmira office at (607) 734-4582.

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Elmira Office

Monday - Friday:

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

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Horseheads Office

Monday, Friday:

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesday - Thursday:

8:30 am | 5:00 pm + evening hours

Saturday, Sunday:


Waverly Office

Monday - Friday:

8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday, Sunday:
